Sponsorship and Advertising Online Order Form
Show your support for ADA by supporting our show as a sponsor or by advertising in our show program!
Advertising will now be accepted for Spring 2025.
Order your sponsorship, Pet sponsor or ad below!
Important information about 2025 Advertisements:
1. Sponsorships, Ads and Pet & Baby sponsor pictures are due March 7, 2025.
2. Ads should be in a PDF, JPEG or MS Word format
3. See this template for ad sizes.
4. Ads and pet & baby sponsor pictures should be emailed to arlenegaitan@att.net
Banners must be dropped off at the show office by 2pm on the Friday before the show.
For more information contact Arlene Gaitan at 210-386-9576 or arlenegaitan@att.net.
If you prefer to pay by check, complete this form, email Arlene (above) with your ad and send a check payable to ADA to:
Llorye Flores, Treasurer, 703 Deer Cross Lane, San Antonio, TX 78260